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Stirring songs that teach and inspire application of gospel principles
Written by Ronald K. King

Teaching Ideas
It is impossible to say all that could be said about these Articles of Faith in the few very short verses of these songs. I have tried to include in these teaching ideas more detailed explanations and insights that would be beneficial for children and the adults who teach them at home and in primary, as well as for teens and adults personally. These ideas also explain why I included many of the words in the verses.
I had originally planned to include ideas like these as a narration between each of the songs, but time and recording costs made it obvious that this was not feasible, and I think many would have found the narrations interruptive to the flow of the music after time. I sincerely hope that all who listen to these songs will take the time to read, reread and ponder each of these ideas carefully. There are many great truths that are not obvious at a quick glance.
As I prepared to write each of the songs in this collection, I first read the corresponding chapter or chapters in The Articles of Faith by James E. Talmage, taking notes and recording some of the thoughts his words provoked. I then came up with a melody and accompaniment that I felt expressed the meaning of the actual Article of Faith. Then I picked out the ideas that I felt were most important and grouped related ideas into verses. I found it amazing how the melody for each Article of Faith also fit the meaning of the verses.
I have also been inspired as of late by Don't Miss This, Old Testament by David Butler and Emily Belle Freeman. Some of their ideas coincided perfectly with the topics of some of these songs, and I included them in the teaching ideas. It is impossible to know where and when all of the knowledge I have gained over the years came from and to give credit as it has just become part of my general knowledge. I can give credit, however, to the Lord who has greatly blessed me in my studies through the years and helped me to understand his great love and plan for us.
I sincerely hope these words and the songs that go with them will motivate and inspire all who read and listen.
Ronald King
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